Photo Gallery
Month Image
USA, Wüsten / Deserts
White Sands NP - New Mexico - Rio Grande Cottonwood
Yukka elata - Seifenpalmlilie - White Sands NP
Soap Tree Yukka - White Sands NP
Sonnenuntergang mit Soaptree Yukka - White Sand NP
Painted Lady amerikanischer Distelfalter - White Sands
Caterpillar Painted Lady - White Sads
Insektenspuren White Sand - Wüstenlaufkäfer
Ash Throated Flycatcher - White Sands
Bleached Earless Lizard - White Sands
Bleached Earless Lizard nur in White Sands zu finden
Hoary Rosemary Mint - White Sands
Sand Verbena - White Sands
White Mustard - White Sands
Rock Wren - Salpinctes obsoletus - Felsenzaunkönig - Death Valley
Cactus Wren - Kaktuszaunkönig - Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus - Joshua Tree NP
Trauerseidenschnäpper - Phainopepla - Joshua Tree NP
Trauerseidenschnäpper - Silky flycatcher - Joshua Tree NP
Chukarhuhn - Alectoris chukar - Death Valley
Wegekuckuck - Roadrunner - Geococcyx californianus - Death Valley
Regenpfeiffer - Killdeer -Charadrius vociferus - Salt Creek - Death Valley
Coyote - Salt Creek - Death Valley
Coyote - Death Valley
Kojote - Death Valley
Coyote - Canis latrans - Death Valley
Coyote - Prariewolf oder Steppenwolf
Desert Cottontail Rabbit - Death Valley
Desert Cottontail Rabbit - Sylvilagus audubonii - Death Valley
California Ground Squirrel - Death Valley
Whitetailed Antelope Squirrel - Death Valley
Western Side Blotched Lizard - Death Valley
Ausgespuckt - Side Blotched Lizard - Death Valley
Common Side Blotched Lizard - Gemeiner Seitenfleckleguan - Death Valley
Western Whiptail Lizard - Aspidoscelis tigris - Death Valley
Zebratailed Lizard - Zebraschwanzleguan - Ubeheve Crater - Death Valley
Desert Iguana - Dipsosaurus dorsalis - Death Valley
Desert Iguana - Wüstenleguan - Death Valley Mesquite Dunes
Wüstenleguan - Dipsosaurus dorsalis - Mequite Dunes Death Valley
Grashopper - Ubeheve Crater - Death Valley
Pinacate Beetles Stinkbug - Death Valley
Mormon Metalmark - Apodemia mormo - Emigrant Road - Death Valley
Western Pygmy Blue - Ubeheve Crater - Death Valley
Gray Hairstreak - Strymon melinus - Scottys Castle -Death Valley
Devils Cornfield - Death Valley
Desert Holly - Wüstenstechpalme - Ubehece Crater - Death Valley
Notch leaf phaceli - Viisitor Center - Death Valley
Desert Five Spot - Death Valley
Desert Five Spot - Ubeheve Crater - Death Valley
Death Valley - Emigrant Road
Desert Sunflower - Gerea canescens - Death Valley Emigrant Road
Brittle Bush - Emigrant Road - Death Valley
Desert Prince Plume - Emigrant Road - Death Valley
Fremonts Indigo Bush - Emigrant Road - Death Valley
Desert Milkweed - Emigrant Road
Chuckwalla - Emigrant Road - Death Valley
Eastern Fence Lizard - California
Eastern Fence Lizard - Sceloporus undulatus - Zaunleguan - California
Western Fence Lizard - Westlicher Stachelleguan - California
Joshua Tree - Yucca brevifolia - Blüten
Oase Cottonwood Spring - Joshua Tree NP
Mojave Yukka - Yucca Schidigera
Teddybaer Chollas - Joshua Tree NP
Silver Cholla Blüten - Joshua Tree NP
Silver Chollas - Joshua Tree NP
Ocotillo - Fouquieria splendens - Joshua Tree NP
Ocotillo Blüten - Joshhua Tree NP
Mojave Mount Cactus - Joshua Tree NP
Scarlet hedgehog cactus - Joshua Tree NP
Cottontop Cactus - Joshua Tree NP
Side Blotches Lizards - Valley of Fire State Park - Nevada
Chuckwalla - Valley of Fire State Park
Harris Antelope Squrrel - Valley of Fire
White Tailed Antilope Squirrel - Valley of Fire
Wild Burro - Frühling im Red Rock Canyon
Wild Burro - Herbst im Red Rock Canyon
Wild Burro - Nevada
Nevadas Wild Burros
Wildesel - Nevada
Mustangs - Nevada - Highway 50
Brittle Bush - Encelia farinosa - Nevada
Zebratailed Lizzard - Sandmountain - Nevada
Saguaro Kaktus - Saguaro NP - Arizona
Jumping Chollas - Cylindropuntia fulgida - Saguaro NP
Juniper Mistletoe - Saguaro NP
Fishhook Barral Cactus - Saguaro NP Kaktusgarten
Beavertail Pricklypear - Opuntia basilaris
Beavertail Pricklypear -Wildbiene
Beavertail Pricklypear
Tulip Pricklypear - Opuntia phaeacantha
Desert Pricklypear
Johnsons Fishhook cactus - Echinomastus johnsonii
Wildbiene - Desert Prince Plume
Bug - Wanze - Pentatomidae - Death Valley - Desert Prince Plume
Harlequin Cabbage Bug - Murgantia histrionica
Harlequin Bug Larve
Yellow Garden Spider - Argiope aurantia
Bee Fly - Wollschweber
Käfer Eupompha elegans - Globe Mallow Blüte
Trichodes Ornatus Käfer - Globe Mallow
Globe Mallow - Sphaeralcea - Malvengewächs
Scarlet Pimpernel - Anagallis Arvensis
Bigelow Monkey Flower - Mimulus-Bigelovii
Desert Sand Verbena - Abronia latifolia
Smooth Spreading Four OClock - Mirabilis Oxybaphoides -
Winding Mariposa Lily - Calochortus flexuosus
Rose Meadowsweet - Spiraea Splendens,
Desert Peach - Prunus andersonii
Desert Paintbrush - Castilleja chromosa
Desert Paintbrush - Desert Gold
Northwestern Indian Paintbrush - Castilleja Chromosa
Indigo Bush - Psorothamnus arborescens
Globe Mallow - Desert Indogo
Inyo Lupine - Lupinus excubitus
Desert Larkspur - Delphinium Parishii.
Palmers Penstemon - Penstemon palmeri
Mojave Aster - Xylorhiza tortifolia
Desert oder Mojave Aster
Fremonts Phacelia - Phacelia fremontii
Datura wrightii - Desert sacred datura
Yellow Star Thistle - Centaurea Solstitialis
Ascale Bud - nisocoma Acaulis
Desert Marigold - Baileya Multiradiata
Mojave Gold Poppy - Eschscholzia Glyptosperma
California Poppy - Eschscholzia californica
California-Sunflower - Helianthus- alifornicus
Nuttalls Sunflower - Helianthus Nuttallii
Lavender Leaf Sundrop - Calylophus-Lavandulifolius,-
Tree Tobacco - Nicotiana glauca
Bladder Pod - Peritoma arborea
Creosote Bush - Larrea tridentata
Sharpleaf Twinpod - Physaria Acutifolia
Desert Milkweed - Asclepias-Erosa,-
California Buckwheat - Eriogonum Fasciculatum
Desert Star - monoptilon bellioides
Rattlesnake Weed - Euphorbia albomarginata
Rock Nettle - Eucnide urens
Desert Prickle Poppies - Argemone pleicantha
New Mexico Evening Primrose - Oenothera Neomexicana
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